السبت، 6 نوفمبر 2010

My short essay to The International Youth Leader Conferance 2010

By ,Omar M. Hawajri ( Palestine –Gaza Strip)

Since its inception in 1945, the United Nation has been motivated to promote peace, stability, mutual understanding and co-existence between countries. However, It’s not easy to achieve their objectives due the bias introduced in it by strongest nations. For example, one of the most challenging mission of the Council is the tackling of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Middles East. to this end, the UN have been supported the Palestinian and it’s maintaining a central role in the region ,especially by providing continuous support for Palestinian Refuges via the United Nation Relief and Work Agency in the Near East ( UNRWA) and by providing platform for Palestinian political claims via the NU Division for the Palestinian Rights, the Special Committee to investigate the Israeli Practicing effecting the Human Rights of Palestinian and the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people .Since then, the UN has been sponsored several peace negotiations and initiatives between the parties such as the Road Map for Peace 2002.

However, despite all United Nation’s efforts to promote peace ,the criticism raised toward UN and the Council has failure to achieve its long term goal in stability which made the region dangerous to live in and has forced many civilians citizens to flew because their approach in talking the on-going conflict and security threats between the parties was not specific and still dominated by the United States and whenever the Council takes a decision to blame Israel for their war crimes against humanity ,the resolution or decision could be simply canceled under the power of veto or even the resolution passed, it’s not implemented fairly.

For example, during the Cast Lead Operation on Gaza Strip in 2009.the UNSC passed resolutions to immediate stop the attack on Gaza but the SCR not implemented because Israel denied it .So, thousands of hundreds of civilians was killed without take caring of International law .Furthermore, the UN has been ignored numerous incidents planned by the Israeli Forces in the Occupied land such as the daily attack of settlers against civilians Palestinian in West Bank and Jerusalem and without even serious condemning their anti-humanity actions.

On the other hands, in March 2o1o, the SC passed three resolutions to compensate the Palestinian in Gaza for damage and loss incurred during the 2009 attack ,but the UN didn’t take care of it when the US opposed it and they support Israeli with their veto.

Finally, In my opinion, with all extraordinary efforts which made by UNSC to promote the peacefully conflict resolutions and to establish the direct talks and negotiations between parties ,there is a clear message that the UN always support only Israel and biased with them through undermine the SCR (242) and (138) against the right of Palestinian in Jerusalem ,Refuges and also Settlement. So, the Palestinian all over the world have been believing that UNSC have limited capacity to deal with political issues and the Palestinians will be always the viaticum’s of these on-going and systematic violence .however, they will always be hope to create the world peace and we shall be ,one day ,what we aspire to have better life without on-gonging conflict !!